Sunday, 13 September 2009

Why I Deleted My Facebook

I won't do a quiz on which member of The Saturdays I'm more like
Not will I plant fake crops and rear pretend pigs on farmville
I won't make friends with that tramp that won't speak to me at school
just so some guy she's after can see that lots of people think she's cool.

Nor will be "become a fan" of some band of skinny jeaned
roly smoking, scruff bags who mince round my school
pulling sickies to go to sick bay and slyly wank
while waiting for the final bell.

I don't want people who've never spoke to me
to know what my favourite books or films are
and I won't have anyone posting photos of me
falling drunkenly out of some shit bar.

That I only went to because it was that
or stay at home and go on Facebook like a twat.

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